Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 63

10:40 AM

Back to painting after a busy morning.  Poor Alexei woke up numerous times last night with a fever.  He's been battling the flu so he's asleep on the couch.  Fortunately his temperature is coming down but he isn't eating or drinking anything but Gatorade.

After a whirlwind morning helping Rebekah to organize the house I'm back to resume work.  I've been looking forward to today's work for some time.  I have to put in a bunch of little people in the background.  I didn't want to do much of this until I finished the larger figures throughout the painting.  Now with that finished I can have a little fun.

I just found a video my daughter filmed of me from my phone.  I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the work on the demons being roughed in.

1:38 AM

Getting to bed a little early tonight.  Last night was a little too late.  Once I go past the 3:00 AM window I'm in trouble the next day.  Fortunately I had a great day painting today.  I painted four figures.  Tomorrow all I have to paint is the snakes crawling up the leg of "Sloth."  After that I have a few adjustments to some of the figures.   After that I am going to do a lot of fill in with smaller figures in the background.  I'm really excited to do this because it has been almost 20 years since I did paintings with little people.  This is an opportunity to show off a lot of ideas I have very quickly.  I've done enough studying torture for this reference, the past few weeks that I am ready to move on to something a little less gruesome.  I am painting a Crucifixion for a church next week and somehow that seems serene.

I filled in an area on the right side of the painting with a "Catherine Wheel."  I have a figure chained to it and he is being turned upside down in the flames.  Envy is also painted.  I'm looking forward to a few hours extra sleep tonight.

Good night.

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